Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is the week over yet?!?

I am so (well) downright TIRED.

I am having such a busy (which never happens to me), and crazy week. I just thought I would let you all know what's been going on cause I might not be able to blog for a week or so (not that I blog all the time). But we are moving so I don't know how long we will have to go without internet.

My lil cousin (she's 12) had to have an aneurysm removed (it was right behind her left eye) on Monday, and I was at the hospital Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday helping take care of her. She was doing great they had moved her out of ICU before I left on Wednesday. But I guess now she's not doing so great she can't see out of that eye at all, she's finding it extremely difficult to walk. So they moved her back to what they call square one which means no getting out of bed, taking her meds every 4 hours, letting her sleep longer. They had planned on sending her home in 2 to 3 day's and now they have to keep her longer, they also want her to go to a rehab center after she leaves the hospital. They just took her and had another CT done, the doctor thinks it may be another aneurysm. Just keep praying for her. And thanks so much for all your prayers.
My aunt called me tonight and said that her youngest son broke his arm at school today (same family).

Did I mention I haven't been home much, my kids are a bit angry with me for leaving them for 3 day's so I have been paying the price for that, plus it probably doesn't help that I'm exhausted. But it really did feel like they laid 3 day's worth of crying, wining and fighting (with each other) on me today.

I felt like the house was falling apart when I got home. I'm sorry HWAG I know you tried (and he did) but I was so stressed about the house today; my hubby didn't pack one box all week. I was so stressed all day I packed and cleaned up all day today and I babysat and had my own kids. I know wha wha wha wha, I'm aloud to complain it's my blog.

WE ARE MOVING!!! Yey, and yes I am happy, no more crabby neighbors (I hope) and no more up stairs, and finally a 3 bedroom. Yey be happy with me. I had to go sign for the new apartment today and I called them to make sure we were good to go and they had us moving in on Monday so none of the paper work was ready, the apartment wasn't finished yet (maintenance was putting carpet in when I called). I was so mad they just had put the wrong date down, but you know HWAG had already got Friday and Sunday off so we could move. So I had to fight to get the keys, I'm sure they hate me, but I got the keys. Again yey. We can start moving in

I'm still reading my book, I'm learning so much and being tested to the max (like with today). But I'm handling myself way better. I'm handling my kids way better too. Duh right.

Well I guess I should go finish packing.

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