Thursday, November 27, 2008

Because a thankful heart is a happy heart!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well I'm at my moms so I have a limited amount of time on the computer, but I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all. And list a few things I'm thankful for this year.

I'm thankful for my hubs HWAG, I'm thankful that he's the main provider for our family and he always has and always will work hard to support his family. He knows me inside and out and he's still happy to be with me. He's been helping so much around the house, and he understands that sometimes I JUST NEED A BREAK.

I'm thankful for my 3 healthy babies.

I'm thankful for C2MM, I'm always so happy for the times I just get to talk to her. I love hearing how amazing she's doing in school, she wants to graduate from high school and that's so big. I'm thankful that she hasn't let her mom define who she is. I love that we haven't seen each other in so long but we still understand each other (the way other peeps just don't).

I'm thankful for my ABB. He's such an amazing little guy. He's so smart, I'm thankful that he loves going to school and he loves doing homework, and he loves that he's learning how to read (he makes things seem so easy). He's such a good big brother, he's always watching out for his little sisters. I love that he likes to spend alone time with me, because I love it too.

I'm thankful for my SOS. I love how sensitive she is, because she's sensitive to all things, So all the small things we do matter to her, I LOVE that. I love that she has a million and 1 puppies and they each have a name and are so well cared for. I'm thankful that she loves books and she loves to run, we are so much alike. I love that.

I'm thankful for my LLOL. She is always and I mean ALWAYS making me smile and laugh. Who knew that a 2 year old could be so much fun (by being so damn funny)? I'm thankful that she's such a sweet baby. I love that she loves when I just hold and hug on her, it makes my day so often. I love that she can't go to bed until her daddy gets home at night and gives her a big hug and kiss. I love that she loves my dad so much.

I'm thankful for my parents. I'm thankful that I have them and that I got to spend thanksgiving with them. I can call my mom any time and she's willing to talk to me (specially when I need it). I'm thankful that my dad is still here with us. I'm always glad for how much they love my kids, me and my hubs. I'm thankful for my moms cooking. Yummy!

I wanted to hear from you guy's, so if you want to share anything your thankful for please share it with me.

Here's one of my favorite veggie tales songs, it's so sweet

I thank God for this day,For the sun in the sky,For my mom and my dad,For my piece of apple pie!For our home on the ground,For His love that's all around,That's why I say thanks every day!Because a thankful heart is a happy heart!I'm glad for what I have, That's an easy way to start!For the love that He shares,'Cause He listens to my prayers,That's why I say thanks every day!

Say thanks everyday peeps, say it everyday. : P


MMO said...

chelle- I wanted to say that I'm thankful i have you as a friend. You were there for me when i became a mom! Thank you for your understanding and patience.

As to what I'm thankful for this year-

Erin my beautiful daughter who is turning one on sunday! She grows everyday and makes me smile just by looking at her

Brian- I love him so much, and we solidified our love by becoming husband and wife this year. We have had our ups and downs but we truly were made for eachother.

My new house- I am so grateful that we have something to look forward to and have a place to fill up with our love and sense of family. I can't wait for you to see it.

Miss you hun. Oh and just a side question- have you checked out its a fabulous website for books for kids.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for YOU

Anonymous said...

i am thankful for you

Anonymous said...

i am thankful for you